Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Journal #8

Journal # 8
Tapping the Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development

Greenhow, C. (2009, June-July). Tapping the wealth of social network for professional development. Retrieved from

This article clearly focuses about the way people teach, learn and how the emerging of technologies such as Social Networks sites can be used to support students learning and also to share information, but something important is to be careful how we use them, where we use them and what is the purpose of them, all of these together may determine the way we communicate, work and think. It is amazing how fast someone can get feedback within seconds of having posted a question or comment. All of this is possible thanks to this advanced technology such MySpace, Face book and Twitter which are the most popular technologies on the Internet. Also, this article mention the advantages of Social Bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Diigo and Cite ULike where teachers can collectively recommend, or share scholarly resources.

1. How effective would it be to use some of this Social Networks in my class?
I think some of them will be very useful. For example, I can create a Blog for my class, where I can post important information, class assignments, and comments so I will be able to have communication with them and they can be on top of what is happening in the class.

2. What kind of benefits will I get by using Social Networks?
As a future teacher, I may cope with some difficulties in regards of students behavior, or anything else and it will be nice having an advise from someone who had experienced a similar problem.

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