Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wiki page NETS-T (II)

In this presentation teachers will be able to communicate relevant information and ideas to students and parents.

Friday, May 7, 2010


For this assignment I used iMovie (video editing software) to create a Public Service Announcement in order to incorporate more students into CSUSM. This video can serve as a model so students can work and enhance their technological skills.

Classroom Newsletter/NETS-T(I)

In order to facilitate communication with students, parents and peers, I created a Classroom Newsletter in which I am able to post information divided in three sections. One section is all about myself, another one is about the topics to be covered through the semester and the last one is regarding technology to be used .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Internet Safety/NETS-T (IV)

As a future educator it is important to promote digital citizenship and responsibility. This assignment was done in collaboration with my peers based on a Copyright Issues/Internet Safety.I used Google Docs to edit this assignment.

Inspiration/NETS-T (I,II,III)

Inspiration is a project that helped me to create a graphic organizer understanding the relationship between my work and the NETS-T

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Journal #9

Journal # 9

WEB 2.0: Today’s Technologies, Tomorrow’s Learning

Groff. Hass. J.J. (2008, Sep/Oct). Web2.0 today's technology, tomorrow's learning. Retrieved from

This article explores the ways in which educators can use technology in the classroom. Now days students are exposed to technology everywhere they go. For this same reason it is important to keep in mind that there are some concerns. This article demonstrates some of the pros and cons that come with the use of technology. In the case of simulations, where there is no true identity one can expose themselves to danger. It’s danger because anyone can just create an account and give false information. This article also talks about bridging “the gap between the traditional scholastic culture and the culture of today’s learners” This will allow the two worlds of home and school to come together. And if used properly they are of great value. This technology goes beyond simple applications such as test and worksheet completion. It allows students to think outside the box and into real life simulations, where students have fun learning and implement skills for critical learning. Although it is important to see the value of bringing technology into our lessons it is also important to educate ourselves as educators of the limitless possibilities available.

1.What are the benefits of this technology?
Educators can benefit in many different ways. A benefit of using technology is that the learning goes beyond the classroom settings and another benefit is that it is easily accessible.

2. What strategies should I follow to succeed?
I definitely will follow the strategies that are mentioned in the article. They are: explore; spending time playing with these technologies, partner with a colleague; sharing notes, and find additional support; getting in touch with different Social Networks.

Journal #8

Journal # 8
Tapping the Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development

Greenhow, C. (2009, June-July). Tapping the wealth of social network for professional development. Retrieved from

This article clearly focuses about the way people teach, learn and how the emerging of technologies such as Social Networks sites can be used to support students learning and also to share information, but something important is to be careful how we use them, where we use them and what is the purpose of them, all of these together may determine the way we communicate, work and think. It is amazing how fast someone can get feedback within seconds of having posted a question or comment. All of this is possible thanks to this advanced technology such MySpace, Face book and Twitter which are the most popular technologies on the Internet. Also, this article mention the advantages of Social Bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Diigo and Cite ULike where teachers can collectively recommend, or share scholarly resources.

1. How effective would it be to use some of this Social Networks in my class?
I think some of them will be very useful. For example, I can create a Blog for my class, where I can post important information, class assignments, and comments so I will be able to have communication with them and they can be on top of what is happening in the class.

2. What kind of benefits will I get by using Social Networks?
As a future teacher, I may cope with some difficulties in regards of students behavior, or anything else and it will be nice having an advise from someone who had experienced a similar problem.

Journal #6

Journal #6
A New Concept of Citizenship for the Digital Age

Greenhow, C. (2009-2010, March/April). A New concept of citizenship for the digital age. 37, Retrieved from

What is Digital Citizen? According to the 2007 NETS It is defined as “the ability to practice and advocate online behavior that demonstrates legal, ethical, safe and responsible uses of information and communication technologies.” As educator we have to develop the role of model when using technology but it is difficult to control students behaviors on the Internet, considering the diversity of backgrounds and the concept that each one has in regards of ethic. Many times and in many ways physical boundaries have gone far beyond the limits. The rise of social media formats, such as blogging, social networking sites have corresponded with discussions about how to prepare young people not only to become informed and watchful citizens, but also to promote their participation in future life.

1. How much responsibility will I have to assume when having students on the Internet?
I think responsibilities have to be shared between parents and teachers, but parents should be the first to ones in teaching their kids to be respectful and responsible in all matters.

2. How can I help my students to be responsible and respectful when using technology?
I know it sounds difficult but I will try to make them understand that what they do now might affect them in their future life.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Journal #7 Interactive Whiteboard

Interactive Whiteboard
Interactive Whiteboard is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector projects the computer desktop onto the board’s surface; users control the computer using a pen or finger. The board is typically mounted to a wall or on a floor stand. They are used in a variety of settings such as in classrooms at all levels of education, broadcasting studios and more.

The threads that I followed:

Are Interactive whiteboards necessary?
I followed this thread discussion because I wanted to know how it works. After reading a few comments made on this thread I learned that it has many advantages, some teachers think white boards make the work easier in comparison to others, they think there are many things to do without spending a lot of money in this tool. The majority of the teachers commented that interactive whiteboards enhanced teaching and made it a lot easier. Some teacher's concern was about discipline. They think it is difficult to control students excitement when they see the screen in the classroom. I think that interactive white board is a great technology that every classroom should have.

How are you using your classroom whiteboard?
Acording to the comments made by teachers these whiteboards keep the students engaged in the classroom. They allow students to look up virtually anything, and encourage collaborative work as well. Having these whiteboards is like having a big computer screen where all the students can share their ideas and knowledge. Also teachers can download premade lessons. Many schools don't have them yet but some teachers wished they can have them in the classroom.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Crossword puzzel/NETS-T (II)

As an example of this NETS-T, I created a crossword puzzle using an Excel spread sheet. Through this assignment students will be able to personalized learning activities.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NETS power point/NETS-T (II)

Through this presentation, I will be able to model relevant information so students will work using their skills and strategies by using digital tools.

Friday, April 23, 2010

NET-s Power point rubric NETS-T(II)

This power point rubric was created as a class in order to evaluate the Power Point Presentation. This rubric will help me to evaluate the assignments that students will perform in class and I will be able to check their improvement.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Social Bookmarking

1. Every four years Americans go to the polls to elect their president. The President and the Vice-president are the only official chosen by all the nation's voters. The value of using this source in the classroom is to enhance communication and students can compare and contrast the information with real situations. Also, students will examine what important events have happened since the last 80 years when radio and television brought these campaigns into the living rooms across America.

2. The achievement gap is defined as the differences between the test scores of minority and/or low income students. The student groups experiencing Achievement Gaps are: English Language Learners, students with disabilities, Racial and ethnic minorities, Boys & girls, students from low-income families.
One of the areas where I think my teaching style will fit is: a) Determine the Diverse groups served by your School; considering that San Diego is an area with a big Latin population is very important to create an eco-socio-cultural study that will give me important information in regards their back ground so I can try to fulfill the student's needs. b) Network with other schools that are developing and implementing culturally competent system; always is important try to be on top of everything because is necessary to be at the same level of other schools. I would take this as a "competition" against other schools so students and educator would put a lot more effort in everything. c) Network with parent, minority community, and faith based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students; In my community, I see a very little parent involvement in school matters. Statistics have shown that students do a lot better when their parents are involved in somehow in school activities. As educator, I will work hard planning strategies in order to get as many parents as possible.

3. My total score 0-5 points: Cyber Saint.I got this score because I am not a "cyber" person but even on a regular life activities, I am totally opposed to bully someone else. One of the areas, I would like to work in my classroom will be: What methods work with the different kinds of cyberbullies. Students and the motives differ from each type, the solution need to address their special issue.Another area would be Community programs through tutorial, local speakers from corps of volunteer or local community events o maybe using programs to stop cyberbullying. Also, I would include in my classroom the area of teen angels. The teen angels are volunteers between the ages of 13 and 18,by using their combination of their abilities to speak to others have helped teens, children and parents.

4. One of the areas from "Subject Access" I am interested in is Throughout the Year Holidays and Celebrations. I really like and enjoy this area. We live in a country where many cultures converge. As a bi cultural educator it's very important to teach the students the importance of having two cultures, two languages. At a young age students get confused about their heritage. As part of my work, I will have hands-on activities and projects where culture and traditions play an important role in our future life. Another area is Tools for Change. The way in how a classroom is arranged causes an important impact in the process of learning. Everything in the classroom will be movable to allow for the best use of space, and students have access to many other tools to facilitate learning. As part of the tools students will be able to access technology and research using PPDs. With all these tools students will get the support to succeed in their future.

5. Naturalistic----------83%
From the video Multiple Intelligences Thrive in Smartville, I learned that there are 8 different ways people learn: Body, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Musical, Naturalist, Spatial. These areas were developed by Dr. Howard Gard. I also learned that we as educators have to realized that each person has his own way to learn so in order to be fair to everyone, lessons should be taught according to their strenghts and their weakness.

6.This lesson plan is for 9th grade students for Spanish Speakers I and ESL. The topic that I chose is Successful ESL Strategies.
Lesson Title: El Simbolismo (symbolism)
Class Level: Spanish Speakers I
Targeted Standards:
Communication, Culture, Connections
Students will use symbols to describe what is happening in the reading.
Students will demonstrate comprehension by filling a worksheet of basic information.
Students will work in pairs.
Students will be able to work in groups collaboratively to present their group projects.
Simbolismo worksheet
Song and video clip
Writing response: After the video and song students will have a chance to respond to it.

7. a) In a 2007 study, UNICEF rated the treatment of children in the 23 wealthiest countries in the world based on 40 indicators of Child well-being. Which two countries received the lowest rating?
I found this question interesting because is a question that I personally don't hear often. This is about the measure of a nation is how well it attends to its children; their safety, health, education, socialization and their sense of being loved and included in the families which they are born.
b)What portion of the U.S. Government budget goes to welfare and Social Security?
Over 60% of the current budget is being spent on matters such as: Social Security, welfare, medicare, housing, medicaid. I think the Government has a big responsibility in how they spend the budget especially in this time crisis.

8.Overal score 50%


Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal #1

Journal #1
The begginer’s Guide to interactive Virtual Trips

Zanetis, Initials. (2010). The Begginer's guide to interactive irtua field tripsl. Learning and leading with technology, 37((6)), Retrieved from

It is a shame that due to the State crisis, fields trips have become less common for our students. But fortunately we have other options such as Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) -field trips that are conducted virtually over the Internet and/or videoconferencing equipment- so students learn from experts without living their classrooms. Also this is going to be a benefit for some students who can’t afford travel costs. There are two types of VFTs: Asynchronous and Interactive. The Asynchronous are basically websites that include text, audio, or video. These varies in quality, substance and educational relevance. Interactive VTFs are synchronous; students in one location to learn from one informal educator in another location for example a museum. Using the videoconferencing interface, students can interact with the experts to get a real-world angle on the topic they are studying. As I stated at the beginning VTFs have many benefits for students of all ages.

Q#1 What benefit as a teacher will I get by using VTFs?
The most important, I think is that my students will enhance their knowledge without going to the field trip outside of the classroom. Also they will be able to interact with people who are far away.

Q#2 What should the school have in order to have access to VIFs?
According to the article approximately 30% of schools districts already have video-conferencing unit, from this point I am going to make sure the school has installed the equipment.

Journal #5

Journal #5
Can our Students Save Journalism?

Lindsay/Davis, J/V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids.
Learning and Leading with Technology, 37((6)), Retrieved from

This article tells about two different opinions on journalism. One side tells about how internet is luring people away from the news, and the other side says readers are still interested in the newspaper. Many people always read the newspaper and all the articles it contained, but slowly little by little the internet has been dragging it away from its newspaper readers. There are many people who grew up reading the newspaper that believe that this is a disaster for the culture. Other were optimistic about the journalism quality. The web is transforming culture and the way instructors teach. Literacy has changed.

Q#1. As a teacher how can I engage students to read the newspaper?
It seems to be a little difficult taking in account that we lived in a society surrounded by media, and students are in top of technology so trying to get them to read a newspaper will be for them sort of “out of date”.

Q#2. What should I tell the students about the demise of journalism?
I would like to tell them that even we are living and media society, we wouldn’t forget about journalism because it is part of our life.

Journal #4

Journal #4
Playing with Skype

Weller, T.W. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37((6)), Retrieved from

In this article, the main idea of the author is to share his experiences of his eight-grade general music class using Skype. To make this possible he invited three musical composers. Skype is a great way to bring composer to live concerts using technology. It’s a great opportunity for students to directly connect with people that are performing. Another great asset of Skype is that educators may seek out experts in their subject areas. Experts in other fields could be brought into the classroom so it will enhance the student’s vision in regards of their careers.

Q#1. What is one of the advantages of using Skype?
It is a very simple tool to use. The equipment requirements are minimal: a computer with a broadband internet, a couple of microphones, a web cam and projector screen.

Q#2. How will I use Skype in my classroom?
Since I hope to teach Spanish for Spanish Speakers, it will be a great opportunity for them to interact with people from different countries, specially from Mexico. One of my goals for this class is to try as much as possible to make possible their dreams. Most of High School students love music, so what a great way to have them in direct connection with people they admire.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Journal #3

Journal #3
Navigate the Digital Rapids

Lindsay/Davis, J/V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37((6)), Retrieved from

The purpose of this article is to inform us about the technology of today, how to transform oneself into a professional who can monitor the uses of technology within school, avoid the fear factors, and empower student-center learning to create vibrant and exciting learning projects. These strategies are: customize, monitor and be engage, have a plan, overcoming the fear factor, dealing with objections, staying off topic, put the learning in the hands of students, flat classroom projects, net generation education, digiparent, eracism. The analogy of navigating a rafting river where the toughest water come at the beginning of the journey. This analogy would apply to me before I had read this article, but thanks to all this technology ,I will rely on it.

Q#1.How will I solve the issue of safety use of technology in the classroom?
I will work constantly in a plan of discipline to make sure the students are navigating successfully in their global networking.

Q#2. What strategies should I use to engage students and parents to become involved in digital projects?
Knowing the nature of my community, I will have parents and students meetings and explain the benefits about integration of technology into the students curriculum.

Journal #2

Journal # 2
Finding students who learn with media

Bull, G. (2010). Finding students who learn with media. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37((5)), Retrieved from

The program PrimaryAccess and Moviemaker helps incorporate web-based authoring tools into the curriculum. In this article it was found that the portion of the students engaged in media and historical content was 40% PrimaryAccess allows the students to combine images and audio narration to create online documentary films. To be able to create a historical documentary through PrimaryAccess it takes three class periods to finish. The teachers are also given access so they can check the curriculum and evaluate the students work.
Once the teachers have evaluated the students results they are able to see if the student used their time wisely through the PrimaryAccess website. This program is very useful and helpful especially when working in a classroom. This program was created to eliminate overhead associated with conventional digital students so they can focus on learning objectives rather than spending class time learning using different tools. The best thing about these programs is that the teachers are able to monitor all the work throughout the class period. This program gives the teacher another way to teach the students in a new creative way. First if all making a movie sounds pretty cool and then making it on history is even better because you get to put so much information on it and have fun and learn at the same time.

Q#1.What is the purpose of theses two programs, PrimaryAccess and Moviemaker?
The purpose of these two programs is to help the students in a different technological way. Usually the teachers basic teaching method is through packets, worksheets, etc. but this time the students get to learn by making historical documentary films that include pictures and audio narration.

Q#2.What do the teachers gain by teaching the students this way?
Once the teachers realize that their students are absorbing all this new knowledge and learning more and more by the minute they feel satisfied because they know that this new way of teaching is working. By seeing that this way of teaching the students is working it encourages the teachers to come up with more projects and assignments related to PrimaryAccess and Moviemaker.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Introductory Letter

Hello, my name is Milagros, I am a wife and mother of three girls. I am from Guanajuato, Mexico.  I grew up over there and I came to this country after I finished my college education. I did not attended Kinder, I do not know why, so  from 1-12 I, studied in Silao, it is a small city. Later, I continued my career in the University of  Guanajuato where I got my Bachelors degree in Architecture. I worked for a couple of years at my family company and that was all, because I married and I had to move over here.

I am not definitivelly a "technology" person. I do not depend in the use of technology on a daily basis. I use a little technology at work, so I do not have enough practice with all of this tools. I have basic knowledge about some of the windows programs.

There are a few factors in my decision in applying at CSUSM and the most important to me is the commintment to work with students from diverse backgrounds and socio-economic level.  I want to be  a teacher who not only can teach the students the subject but also to be there when they are in need of something also.Working with students whose English is not their first language is very intersting. I really want to get the skills enough to fulfill the students needs.